The Art of the Mind
Second entry for the day

There are times when in some peoples' lives that they break a bone if just something as small as a hairline fracture...It goes without notice, and as the bone begins to heal, it heals with defect....It becomes abnormal and the near-invisible break becomes a crippling problem...

We must break it again and set things straight...

Yeah, it hurts...But sometimes thats what you have to do...Throughout most of our lives, we've done something that resulted in a slight break, a slight "non-rightness"...But we leave it be because it's only slight...

But as time goes on...we build over it...We pretend its not there when its truly at the base and foundation of whatever it is that we are dealing with...Everything we do depends up that flaw...

So we must go back and fix it, even while we've already built on top of it....That's when the pain sets in...

All that we grew accustomed to has to be has to be forced to a place that it's never been but was meant to be....Sometimes its hard to find correction....

Sometimes it hurts...

In the end, we know it is what should be done....regardless of what we want done....It's what is right...The way things were meant to be in the first place...

Nothing should last if it is broken...Anything that does is cripple, degenerate, hurt....It must be fixed....It may hurt more at first....

But in the end, it is only right...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Break a Leg (11.17.04)