The Art of the Mind
Yeah, it's been a little bit since I've last put up an entry here...But, as the case usually is, I've been busy for real...It's mostly been school work that does it to me...My Tuesdays seem to be catching up with me as professors are adding assignments both in and out of the classroom...For the most part, not only am I doing for myself...I'm tutoring others as well...many others....

As a result, I'm still not sleeping very well...And thing is with me, when I get really REALLY tired, I get those real tripped out dreams...These recent ones have been kinda weird...Between them and sleeping at odd hours of day/night, my sense of time is all screwed up....It takes a little bit to orient yourself and everything, but overall it's still this surreal feeling all the time....

I cut my hair before I came back to NC...I was bored....So now I'm rockin it like I used to in high school...with an everyday Ceasar-cut...It's been about 2 years since I've had it like this...A little less than a year of growing it out before I cut it, and then another year before that I was rockin it bald....

My boy crossed the Burning Sands tonight...He is now a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc...At HBCUs, fraternities and sororities are big...REAL big...The process of deciding which one you want to pursue is equal to the process of choosing a college...I plan on pledging next year...Which frat you ask?...Ahhh, come back in a year and you'll find out....

....just stop in from time to time until then....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / What's Really Good? (03.29.04)