The Art of the Mind
I've not slept well in days...or rather, nights....For everyday that goes by, I'm knocked out for only 3-4hrs, if that much at all...

Man, I wanna sleep real bad...

I'm bored too...Think I'm gettin to that point again where you feel like there's something more to do...Right now its just school, chill, eat, sleep...Its redundant...perpetual...I'm not saying that I want to go be an international spy or something like that...Nah, what I'm saying is that there is no goal, really, to get after...

I'm in school, so its just a matter of finishing classes before I start teaching...I have a method by which to pay for school, so I don't have to look for scholarships or anything...I don't have a job, so its not really any "end of the shift" happenings going on...And the list goes on, but the point is that things are set, stable, but stagnant and stale all at the same time....

They say that Neccessity is the mother of Invention...Boredom is his uncle...

I've gone bald last year for the mere reason that I was bored and had nothing else to do...I've been growing my hair since May for the mere fact that I needed something to do...something to work on...A project of sorts...I've been rocking it braided for some time...But as the days pass by slower...and...slower...and...slo...wer...I'm getting alot closer to cutting it all off just for something to do and kill time...

And I just may...Just turned 20, new year, new things must way or another...I was gonna do it when I was 21...But I may think of something else...I have an idea as far as that goes, but you may never heard word of that here for another year...

I've been working on this piece tahts coming along kinda well, if i do say so myself...

I have never seen an invisible man
But please believe I have looked inside the mirror
I've envisioned the ghost of Ralph Ellison in my waking
And witnessed the nothing of Blackness in my sleep

Thats just the first lines, and I got more, but I wanna finish it before I get back to NC...It feels good to be able to write easy again...It's like remembering how to ride a bike again...Better yet....

It's like remembering how to pray again...There is a spiritual bond between a writer and his works...There is an unspoken reverence for that which is spoken...For God said, "Let there be," and there was...

Now you tell me thats not spiritual...Even God used words to do what He had to do...

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