The Art of the Mind
I'm leaving tomorrow night back to campus...It was all good and gravy beein home and all...But it is only for a short stay...something I'm not to upset about...It feels good to go away and do what I gotta do with no other responsibilities other than myself...A place where we're all in the same boat of broke college cats and no one really cares if you combed your hair this morning...That is liberation....

A relaxer...

Got my hair braided today...twice...Friend of mine said she would do it for me before I left...I roll over to her crib today and get it down...I leave and just look at the mirror like "Oh God..."....Needless to say, I was in a good search to get someone else to braid it for me...Sent out an APB through evveryone I knew to find someone to braid my hair on short notice...

I lay low like conrrows on ebony scalps/My hair's a metaphor of my thoughts/My brain's never relaxed...

And yet, as much time as I spent here in NY, I never got to go to Nuyorican up until tonight...Story of my life, nothing really happens until the final moments...I wanna grab every inch of simile and nuance and internalize it all...It's gonna be a long way back to NC, and a long time staying there...I need my fill to keep me going at least until I come back...

Round 2 of the 2003-04 school year...Kinda like a whole new song, a whole new poem, but just all over again....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / 1st Verse, 2nd Stanza... (01.02.04)