The Art of the Mind
In high homeboys Moises and Omar would spend time to prove that people are sheep...I had the pleasure, last night, to witness that in a very very true to life form...

Some friends of mine have asked me to attend these business meetings with them for this new money-making plan that they are involved in...Basically, for the sake of arguement and simplicity, call it a pyramid-scheme...And the thing is, these people are very excited about it and everything...But my big question is "Why?"...

Sure, its always the same answer and the same forced-goal rammed down our throats:

"Don't you wanna get rich?...Don't you wanna retire in 2 years?...Don't you want to have 6 cars in your garage?...Don't you wanna have anything you want and pay in cash money?"

And you know what?...It does seem appealing, and I'd be lying to say that I'd refuse easily to attain the ability of getting anything I want...But, these people seem a bit too eager to be rich just to be rich...The speakers at these meetings tell us of different members who retired long time ago and still making money through this...We're told of the people who stopped working forever at age 23...The couples who get 7-8 $800 checks each month...But what do I care about them?...

They're treated like if they have the magic touch...These folks who have not exactly a crystal-clear grasp of what is going on and how this thing works with its faults and possible flaws (for those are essential to know in any type of business), are looking up to people that they have never seen, met, or heard speak...

I hear word like "freedom" when referring to retirement...and in turn the posed question, "Don't you want to set your friends and family free to?"...

These are people who come up to me and converse with me about these products, and yet have not a SINGLE clue as to who I am besides what I look like...pseudo-interest...If i passed them on the street, I would not get so much as a glance, unless they feel threatened...It's a nice thought/gesture to be kind for no reason...But in actuality, that's in an ideal world, and that's not how the human mind operates 100%...

These people are nice because they are told they shuold be nice...These people are excited because someone else is excited...And that someone else is only excited because of the guy before him...These people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on this "business opportunity" without even knowing the full extent of what is going on or how it fully works...

And when questions are asked, as I asked questions about payments and the such....Answers become fuzzy...They become generic and empty words used to imply a faux security in my head and just simply believe that they know what they're talking about...A lot of beating around the bush and the answer is never given...But it's alright, because everyone else is happy so I'm supposed to be happy...No one else is asking questions, so it must be that simple...I shouldn't ask questions...

They say things like:

"If you hang out with drug users, you'll eventually become a drug user...If you hang out with drunkards, you'll eventually become a drunkard...So then would you hang out with poor people?...No, rich people hang with rich people, and poor people stay with poor people..."

That sounded way too shallow for my liking...There is a lot of glorifying of just getting rich and not WHY we are getting more money or WHAT we can do with it...Nothing besides frivolity...Dude said he wanted to buy a 2nd house, just because he could...To spend money for the sake of spending money?...Thats like throwing out food that is perfectly good...It's just wrong...

Will I join this thing?...I'm still contemplating...I know who I am, and I know where I stand...Flagrant spending is not where I stand...Boistrous spending is not where I stand....Materialistic spending is not where I stand...I stand for heling those who need it...I stand for enjoying myself, but in reasonable moderation...I stand for respect of monetary blessings, no matter WHERE it came from...I stand for total-equality and not self-superiority...You see, I just may join this thing...And I'll get others to join through me...But I'll let them know why, and I'll let them know why they should as well...

Because I'll tell you what...Glitz and glam may last for a short time, and you can only enjoy it as long as you live, if not shorter...But an honorable deed and works of good those can be felt for generations to come...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Baaaaaad Business.... (06.20.03)