The Art of the Mind
So yesterday, my good friend Sean and I are conversing during a return trip back home last night...At some time during the conversation, I had made a remark/comment to which he responded with an understanding why I seem to annoy people with my speech...He said that while most people make small, specific observations, I tend to put forth large, general ideas and notices that are yet profound still...

I never took notice...Then when I thought about it, and asked myself why that would be...I made my own realization to that regard...

You see, life is really general...that is to say, though not everything in life is the same and though there are an infinite number of possibilities of an infinite number of events occuring at any given time...there is still a basic and generic premise to which these things can be categorized....there are certain characteristics which run common throughout, and therefore allowing us to have a controlled grasp on the situation

Something like algebra...

"2x+7"...If i were to ask you what that equates to, your best answer would be, "all numbers"...Sure it's a general equation, but it can be applied to so many numbers and STILL work...

And I suppose that's what Sean meant and never really realized it...he states that they're "profound" sayings, because they actually work and aren't conditional, not bound by only certain life events, by certain and specific parameters...No, when I make my realizations, I make sure that it holds true to everything...because life is everything...

It's like making laws to fit only specific can't do that...You can't say it's illegal to kill in an alley, in the street, and in the home...No, those are to specific...You simply say that it's illegal to kill...It covers all grounds....

And that brings me to a somewhat new point...The reason why general statements still that life is repetative...It's repetative chronologically as well as in different aspects of life and reality...It's redundant...How then can a baseball player, a contruction worker, and a doctor all learn the meaning of teamwork and yet have completely different occupations?...Because certain lessons present themselves no matter what...That's why my words are general...because life is general...everything else in between is up to you...

or better yet...Everything else in between is you...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / General Specificity.... (06.20.03)