The Art of the Mind
I don't know what it is...and it still baffles me to this day...But there is something about me that causes people to trust...Now, I'm not saying thats a bad thing...Thats a very good thing...But its still baffling...

In a world where unneccessarily friendly people are looked at as either crazy or holding alterior motives....I find it very much interesting that people will decide that they can tell me anything and everything, both good and bad, with full confidence that I am trully trustworthy....

What's more...Many times I'm not told things so they can get things off their chest...I'm told because my opinion and advice are desired...I met a girl about a month or 2 ago in my health class...said nothing more than "hello" when we saw each other in class...And upon our first real conversation, she commenced to telling me of many a personal incident that some would hesitate to tell their own best friends...Since then, I've been a sort of psychologist, help-hotline to her....

I can't remember how many different people have asked my advice on their life decisions within the past month alone...I've had people speak to me just because I was the first person they thought of turning to...People I've hardly spoken to until recently...People who have said that they value my opinion, and have only spoken with me twice before...

I dunno if it sounds so, but in no way am I complaining...It can be rather burdensome (for lack of a slightly lesser word) at times...But I do like it...I get to help in some way or another...even if it is just by not saying a word but, hearing what they have to say...If someone trust me enough to want to show me their skeletons or do what I think is best...I don't wanna betray that trust...

I've been told that there's just something about me...Some comforting, soothing quality that you can't quite put your finger on...Kinda like an older brother or that real cool teacher you'd stay after school just to chat with...That's what I've been desribed as...One person even said that it's something in my eyes and in my voice...

Whatever it may be...Wherever it may be...I'm glad that it is...It's nice to feel wanted...To be able to aide others if even the slightest way...It really is nice....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Lemme Holla At You a Minute.... (04.24.03)