The Art of the Mind
People tend to mistake my silence as weakness...Why?...I don't know...But they do...Sure physcially I'm obviously not very weak...But mentally...There's this assumption that because I do not speak much, therefore I do not think much...

I've dealt with folks who like to pop-off at the mouth and carry on a whole tyraid of insults until their face turns blue...Just because I don't say anything, doesn't mean you've got the upper hand...And when I do say something or take them up on their claims...The lion becomes the sheep, humble and meek as ever...

I remember one time, there was this kid back in high school who would talk trash every single day during lunch...He'd like to hear himself talk about how I supposedly think I'm so bad 'cause I'm so I'm not really the strongest kid in I'ma punk 'cause I won't nor can I do anything...I'd humor him once in a while...but very seldom...I let it slide for months, but one day I was just havin a bad day...One of those bad days where you just wanna break something 'cause your pen ran outta ink....

Yeah, well...dude didn't let up on that day....And I told him I wasn't in the mood...But he found it funny...I told him I wasn't joking, but that was more of a punch-line for him...I told him to give it a rest, but that just gave him more energy...Dude like to tap and shove a little with his taunts, so when he reached to hit my shoulder once more...I pulled him closer, grabbed his shoulders, and lifted him about 2-3ft against the wall...Shook him up a little, and asked him very politely to shut-up, 'cause i really was in the mood to follow through with my actions....

Thats the last time I heard him talkin junk...Dude wasn't expectin it...Just 'cause I didn't say anything, doesn't mean I can't do anything...And as far as he goes with his big mouth...Just remember, the emptiest pot makes the loudest noise...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Quiet Storm.... (04.24.03)