The Art of the Mind
Is it just my imagination or do just about NONE of these teen dramas involve people that LOOK like teens?....

I'm talkin Dawson's Creek, Power Rangers, Smallville, Roswell, and the list goes on...I'm sorry, but when I look upon the television screen, and see someone that looks a bit older than I do, yet claim the age of 17....that's just wrong...

And what's more...I mean, I know it's a tv show and fiction and wutnot...But still, after a while...How redundant are we gonna be to find out that the world will only be saved by high school kids?...The fate of the world lies in their hands...And if that's the case...What about their homework?....Hmmmm?....Better yet...remember Captain Planet?...Remember the Planeteers?...When did they EVER go to school???....What kind of examples are they setting for these children?...

I'll be the first to admit, I watch most of the shows...All except Dawson's Creek, Felicity, and the likes...but these questions have been burnin me from teh get-go...When always had homework to do, but noticed that they hardly ever...

Just a little steam I had to let off...I'm watching Roswell now...That's all...Just a few words for thought....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Children Shall Lead Them.... (04.24.03)