The Art of the Mind
Well...He're some good news...I've been accepted to Wayne State University and Temple University...I called them both on Tuesday and I think there had to be a script or something because they both said the same thing..."Congratulations, you have been accepted by School Name. You should be recieving mail from us shortly"...So I'm waiting for my parent's to call from New York and say that the acceptance letter and stuff came...I already decided I'm going to Wayne State...So far, everyteacher I've consulted here and back home have said that it's definately a great school and therefore the better choice...Even if, I might have chosen it anyway, considering it's about half the price of Temple...Got family in Detroit, too...So that's a plus...So yeah...Motown it shall be...Headed to the 3-1-Third (Detroit area code is 313)....

Next on my list of transfer-duties is to get an apartment...But that shall have to wait a little bit until after I finish this week's blasted midterms that seem to enjoy being scheduled back to back....Difficulty sleeping nights, many tests, very bad memory to study tests with, and current state constant fatigue...(SideNote: I use "state" for lack of a better term...There's something about that word that makes it sound like I have a disease or a condition or something)...

::Sniff, sniff::...You smell that?...Smells like a burn-out...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / I've got sunshine.... (03.01.03)