The Art of the Mind
My your your eyes and realize this world that swirls, rolls, and winds around you....

Look, up above you...No, even higher...I want you to look past where your vision ends...I want you to look past the birds, past the clouds, past the stars, until your sight is almost a matter of "just pretend"...You cannot see it, but it is there...That is where your Father is...No, not your father here on earth, not me...But your HEAVENLY father...The One that made all of this here...He who made you as well as myself...Love Him as he has and love Him as He will love you....For He is supreme and you are only here today by His grace....

Now look, look back down here...All that you see here is known as "the World"...You are only but days old now, but in due time my Little Prince, you will know how to live here...Now, it is not going to be easy, for there are many harms, dangers, and evils here...But there is also good and right too...It is your mother's and my job to show you what is what and what to do...what is false and what is true...But it is your responsibilty to use, with wisdom, what we have provided to teach you....But that's all in due time, Little Man, for this here is just an introduction to your world at hand....

Now look here...Your mother...No words can ever speak her elegance so true...No other woman's love shall even compare to like your mother's for you...Respect her, care for her, protect her, cherish her, hold her in high regard...obey her, never talk back, and never force her to say something she wouldn't write on a birthday card....Do these things well, and your own wife shall gain the rewards, for she'll know that in the affection for your mother, she's looked in the right direction for her lover, and that it is she which you shall direct the proper love and attention towards....

Finally these and this here are the most important parts of your body that you are to use and never forget....Your mind and your hands...Work hard my son....Always give your full effort...If you did not reach your goal, then it is all right...As long as it was your best, 'cause it's only a failure if you've given some of what you've got, knowing you still have more that is left....And your mind...Use it, strengthen it, love it, and cherish it...Man can take away your freedom, your safety, and everything that you hold dear...But they can never take away your mind...And as long as that holds true, you are to gather knowledge and wisdom, so you shall never be in that predicament and become a lagging step behind....

I know you you have no idea what I'm talking about and understand not a single solitary word that I am speaking right now...You're probably more interested in tugging on my beard or discovering the wonders of your feet...But it's alright...Because I love you...In the years to come you will learn all of this and more as you become a I will learn and become a father..To be your father....And I promise to be here for you...I promise to support you in all your ambitions...I promise to comfort you in your pain and cheer you on in your happiness...I promise to correct you in your faults and praise you for your deeds...But most of all I promise to be your friend...From your first steps to your graduation...From your first date to your wedding...From before, to now, and everything hereafter.....More than a father...

I promise to be your DAD....
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Zion Uriah.... (01.28.03)