The Art of the Mind
Good times...Good times....

Well, first off, addressing the last entry...I feel much better since yesterday...And you know why?...Well, I don't exactly know why that is....But I DO know that when I heard that sweet, soft, soothing voice over the phone....It all went away....I didn't realize it until about 10min after we hung up....But nonetheless, the sound of her words rolling of her tongue, past her sweet, soft lips, and through to my ears are definately medicine to my soul.....

Needless to say, I was in a good mode thereafter....So I went to the gym...And Lord only knows how good that felt too....Leg press up to 600lbs...70lbs curls, 30min bike ride on a hill course, heavy abdominal workout...Spent about 2hrs down there...Not what I used to do, but I gotta start off was a much needed thing...Please believe I'm headin down there A LOT more often....

Lastly...but certainly not least....SpringBreak for me is from March 14-23...Almost the rest of the nation's colleges get off SpringBreak on the 14th....Hence my displeasure...You see, everyone that I know is going back the 14th, so I'm left to do the thing pretty much solo...Don't have cash to go to Cancun or anything, and I sure as water is wet don't wanna go back home as my 1st option....So I've decided to take a roadtrip north, visiting the friends I didn't get to Break Spring with, and end up at Wayne State University in Detroit...And I'd get to see Kika...::big smile::...Mind you, I'm in Georgia...That's a long ride...And I'm not that high on funds....So I doubt Motel6 or whoever would be getting much patronage from me....But I suppose sleeping in the car would be a mildly interesting experience...For the most part, I could ride to North Carolina, I have friends there, and I can ride to Philly, Jeanette is up there...So I can prob spend a night by them...But that's still a good 10-12 hours from the Indiana/Michigan area....It'd be kinda cool if any of my Diaryland people could take me in for a night...Be another interesting life-anecdote....I guess having said that, if you are from Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana area it'd be much appreciated if you'd be so kind to allow me to spend a night on your couch/guest room/floor so I don't fall asleep driving during the weekend of March 14-16...they kick us out the Dorms on the 15th....I'm house trained, so that's a plus...::smile::....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Good Times..... (01.24.03)