The Art of the Mind
It still continues to baffle me on how the 2 of us came 2 b we each led our lives across individual paths, but yet found a way 2 meet each other...and greet each other, but not on passing but in unity...unity of our soul, heart, mind, and see, it baffles me because I am so lucky to have one such as you in my heart�s that I may say loves me just as much as I love her...maybe perhaps even more...but u know what?...I know not to turn away true love when it comes knocking at my I pledge to love you, but not as much as when I first did...I pledge to love you even stronger...because we are NOT as unfamiliar as we used to be any is now that we have become one, and as one, the act of two is done...and the true joys of our joining has YET to come...cuz before the Narrator of my life has said the last words that need to be said...I promise that with a ring, I thee wed...till death do us part, for better or worse, against any possibility of any ill-fated the name of true love and everything we hold dear...that we will always be together...and with God as my witness, I speak that without any fear.....

...I Cardiovascular You...
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / 90 Degree Knees.... (01.14.03)