The Art of the Mind
::sigh::...So i have my car down here...and I feel alot better about this semester....Yes, because I have my car...Now, when I first realied this today, i felt a little bit, well, spoiled when I really thought about I am, in Georgia, away from home, got my parents payin for my education, and what makes me feel best about this semester is that i have my car?!?!?....

Now, don't get me wrong, as i contemplatied this issue longer, I came to realize that I cannot stand being macrospectively isolated....I mean, microspectively, i'm cool, i can survive on my own, not know a soul, its not as easy as knowing people, but i can sure enough be a loner....but this is different...I can be a loner, as long as i have room to roam....If i am left in the same place for so so so long, its ridiculous...And its not like i'm stuck in a room, at least i KNOW its a small space, therefore i make the proper mental adjustments to handle it....but i was pretty much isolated to a campus....a campus is a big place, so now, my mind is under the impression that i DO have place to roam....BUT....thats only if there's sumthing interesting going on....Otherwise, i may as well stay home (my room/building) with the impression that i have roaming power...that SUCKS!!!.....

NOW hoever, I have my car....I have roaming power...maybe next weekend or the next I'ma go to Savannah, and chill....I got a friend from elementary school out there, i can go hang out, learn the place, actually MOVE....Or...i can go to ATL, or visit my cousin Opal for a weekend...and it'd be ALL GRAVY!!!..because I have my car...

I will feel more at home with my car...I probably spend more time in there during the week than i actually did when i was at home (NY)'s quite a slap in the face when i can't move nowhere....

At the moment, as silly as it sounds, i'm reminded of a metaphor (i love those) I once heard where someone was compared to a lion form the jungle transported to a cage....Now...Westbury, NY is NOWHERE near a jungle (not even concrete)....But the gist of the thing, is that there was roaming power before, and it's been reduced since.....It ain't easy not bein able to just take a quick ride to Wal*Mart when I need to, especially when its 2.6miles away (i checked on the odometer today...heheheh)...So remember, when I say that I'm glad I have my car, or if i even mention that I drove somewhere, unless otherwise mentioned, I want you to know that I was VERY VERY happy to take that ride, all because of roaming power.....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Roam-eo, Roam-eo, Where for Art Thou, Roam-eo.... (01.06.03)