The Art of the Mind
Alright ya'll...This here is an extra happy entry...Today, I'm writing that I am goin home this week...All I gotta do is take my finals, get over to Atlanta, and fly my butt up to New York....

Well, all that's pretty well and good...escept for that part about gettin to Atlanta...See, nothing ever goes my way much, my luck sucks, I know that, hopefully you've realized that by now, and I've jsut come to accept it and learn to live around it...But you know what?...It got me again...My original ride to ATL?...Yeah, he's leaving the day before my last finals..So he's outta the question...Then you got Skip, the dude that gave me a ride for Thanksgiving...Yeah, he's leaving the day after my flight is supposed to leave....The only other dude I know is Matt, the dude tryna get me to join cheerleading with him, but he has a test the same time my plane leaves.....I have NO idea how I'ma get to ATL now, i know NO ONE else from ATL, the rest I know are from Savannah or way out from ATL...So, the only thing that it looks like I can or, rather, have to do, is call one of my cousins, maybe Rohan....But the thing is, he's they're ALOT closer to ATL than I am...about 3hrs away from me...SOOOO...That'd mean that one of them would drive 3hrs out here, get me, then ride 3hrs back, only 2 drop me off...That's it...No hanging out, or spend any time, other than car hours, with them...I hate asking people for things like that, even family, but that's what it may come down to....

I did find a Greyhound thing from out here to the airport and it's $40...Not bad for 200mi ride, but I would have had to buy the tickets 10 mailing days before departure...And its THIS WEEK I'm leaving...good grief....I like the Greyhound better though, it's $40 extra, but it doesn't inconvenience anyone except my pocket, and I'd get home in time....I'm not fond of involving others in my own problems so that they feel it too....I dunno, we'll see what happens...

But either way, I'm going home dagonnit...I've been here in this farm-country, hick-soundin, middle-of-nowhere, walmart-as-a-hangout, population-equals-you-and-me, got-more-cows-than-people town WAY too long...I done lost my New Yowk accent and picked up a my Georgia twang...Like a said a few entries ago, they got me sayin things I woulda never uttered had i stayed up north...

But again, its quite alrite...I'm leaving this week, I ge to see my peoples, i get to see my lady, and get to see my home....

....Soon time my friends....

...Soon time...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / I Will Get There..... (12.09.02)