The Art of the Mind
Second entry for the day

This entry is dedicated to our Selves...Our thoughts....Our Minds...

Skin tone, shape, hair texture, gender....Realize that thse things can be changed, yet you will still think the same things, say the same things, believe teh same things....The only thing that affects who you truly are is your Mind...It is, by far, the Most powerful organ in your body....Regardless of physical features...A 10 year old can be, and has been, more mature than a 20 year old....Though the latter is the elder of the two...It is only left to say that the only mutual variable left is their minds....That is why we should prize our minds...Learn what we can, think while we can...ask questions and learn more....Not to doubt, but to understand....By exercising your mind, you strengthen it, thus allowing you greater prowess in the future....By pushing the same weight with your arms, you may become very good at it, but you don't really get stronger, you eventually level off....But by working on the next level heavier, you become stronger...So, then, must we do the same with our minds.....Strengthen that, and you strengthen yourselves....Dare to think....Dare to look at things in a different light...Dare to form new ideas, new opinions, new innovations....Dare to use your mind....For a waste of Mind is a waste of Self......

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / A Terrible Thing to Waste...... (11.03.02)