The Art of the Mind
As many of you may or may not have noticed, at the top of this window it says "Thought Book"...This was named after my physical journal which I started not too long prior to this one.....Well, today, I felt that I would share a "Veteran Entry"...My first documented analysis.....

What dows it profit a man to gain power, only to find that he has no medium through which he can exercise it?...i have learned that a man's power is nothing more that a measure of his superiority when compared to another's...Man's desire to increase this measure of himself has led hiim to a slight success, but an even greater downfall...Since power seems to gorw rather exponentially, it is inevitable that his relations with others weaken and, at times, severed, for he is certainly not the only one striving for supremecy....Now the object of the game is survival...everyman for himself...Allies are comrades no longer, they become enemies, adversaries, rivals, they become threats to his superior rule....Bottom line, whether it is through reality or paranoia, everyone, but himself, becomes a foe....Unfortunately, the only true foe IS himself....Because of his natural drive for superiority, he has eliminated everyone which he would reign over and, instead, he has created enemies....He has worked his whole life to gain power he desired, only to find that there is no way that he can use it...only to find that he must now work harder to protect his power and himself from other yearning for that which he possesses....only to find that his life's work or, rather his life, had been in vain....That said, I have determined power as evil, there are exceptions, but very few in comparison....To attempt to aquire greater power is to commit oneself so a deceitful contract, the promisees are favorable and abundant, but the consequences are realized to late....

It's funny...thinking back, I recall that commercial "Behold the power of cheese"...But then, I think further back to that "Farmer in the Dell" song...where at the end it says "The cheese stands alone"...Makes ya think huh?

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / And then there was one.... (09.25.02)