The Art of the Mind
It has occured to me, during a moment I spent pondering my memory handicap, that this growing, mutating, inability to maintain a healthy short-term memory has been spawned by, and directly related to my increasingly passive personality...I realize now, that because of my attitude of "No crying over spilled milk", I have payed little attention to the little things that I come across, as I have not deemed them detremental to my being....These include little details such as street names, person's names, dates, numbers, lists, certain events and conversations, etc...

I must learn to overcome thins, and pay more attention to my surroundings, but even as I fathom that thought, my body tells me that buy paying increasing attention to details, I become hooked upon specifics, therefore translating into stress and anxiety over memorizing it all, in turn, ruining my health....

It sounds far fetched, foolish, and ridiculous....But then one must rememeber that it only takes one last drop to make a cup overflow....Something to think about.........

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / A mop, a cup, and a box of Kleenex....... (08.11.02)