The Art of the Mind
So yeah, as this entry goes along, I suppose you would find this little anecdote somewhat appropriate....I was supposed to make this entry a LONG time ago, but you know what happened?...I forgot...Now, that'd be all fine and dandy if it was a seldom occurance, but no....My terrible short-term memory is a chronic handicap that I seem to have...And wouldn't you know it, THAT is what the entry was about the whole poor memory....

Moving along, I realized my memory was lacking during my 2-3month hiatus between 11th and 12th grade when I couldn't recall homework assignments or people's names...but NOW it has grown to be worse...I can't recall assignments, names, faces, times of day, the days themselves, conversations (while their happening), newly spawned thoughts, and the list would be longer, but I forgot most of them (that was seriously not supposed to be funny)...One thing that happens QUITE often now is that when I watch TV, I try not to change channels during commercials because I tend to forget what show I was watching and on what channel, no matter how interesting the program is....

As time has progressed I have learned to cope with my handicap...Little by little, I would begin to carry at least 1 pen and 1 piece of paper (old receipt, napkin, index card, anything to write on) where I'd go and immediately write down information that I'm sure I'd need to remember for the future...Then as it got worse (where I couldn't rememebr people), I thought ahead of myself and placed a desposible camera in my locker, car, and book bag (this way, I'd at least assume what to do with it if it's on me and I'd need it)...What makes this eerie is that shortly after I began to adjust to my weak memory (maybe a period of a month) I witnessed the movie entitled Memento...Though my condition is not as dramatic as Lenny's, I can surely and easily relate to his situation....

It is then due to my handicap that I excel in mathematics and certain sciences...during my week of solitude, that I came to this conclusion realizing that this is only true because I cannot retain specific information of Time and History, People and Places...Through Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, I am given the ability to work out the answer to a problem through derivations and equations...I don't need to rememeber much factual things specifically, instead I must know how to obtain them....Recently in the field of English, I have excelled only for the reason that during the Writing portion of the subject, it is commonly subjective, therefore allowing me to express my thoughts, eliminating memorization all together, but, however, don't ask me to tell you about a book I read (or even a movie, for that matter)...Just ask if I liked it or not, I usually can rememeber that much....

I guess thats all I have to say, unless I forgot the rest, seriously....If any of this has made any sense to you, that great, and that's what I was goin for :) ....However, if it hasn't, look at it like this....You know that point where you just wake from a dream, and either the more you try to recall that dream, the more it fades away, or you can't rememeber it all together?...Yeah, well, that's what this is like, except many points in my life are the dreams and it's as if I'm waking up on a minute-by-minute basis.....

P.S. Sign my guestbook, if you don't, you're defeating the purpose :(

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / "Wait, wait....Don't tell me.........." (07.30.02)