The Art of the Mind's been a while since i last submitted an entry...thats mostly because i've been spending ALOT of time with Kika lately....ALOT of time...we've gone out to teh mall, to the park, we're s'posed 2 go to the beach, she left work real early on wednesday just to watch movies at my house, and we're hoping to go to the fair before it closes....and when we're NOT together, one can find us conversing with each other over the phone or on the computer as if we hadn't just said "bye" 2 hours prior...I tell you all, we are in love, and we love every minute of it...what more can I ask for?...::sigh::....well i have to leave extemporaneously, so this is ending kinda short...but rememebr, if ever you see me, and i'm a bit happier, more cheerful, and a little less synical and pessamistic than usual....her name is Kika...and that shuld explain it all.....
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Utopia (06.22.02)