The Art of the Mind at the moment...i'm in a very disruntled mood....i have little patience, if any. for anything at all...that includes, let downs, commercials, long traffic lights, sarcasm, and cynical comments....nuthing today has occured in themanner which i would have liked...and this isn't even on a selfish level...i mean...all day, i've just been a slave to errands and tasks...i couldn't even take a trip to the bathroom when i needed to....the idiot who ever decided that deep breaths were teh cure to this crap was probably making up sum mess jsut to shut sumone up...cuz i for one, know that since the day started, my breathing has gotten deeper and heavier.....all i can look forward to now is Priscilla's graduation party at 8, and to b quite honest...i'd like to go, but i wouldn't b surprised if i couldn' this point...i can almost care less....the way my day is, my mother's gonna hit the wrong nerve as usual, therefore adding a heated arguement to the list, she'll get so mad that she's gonna ban me from the party, causing me to stay home and flip channels cuz there's nuthin good on tv...and when i fianlly do decide to turn the damned thing of, i'll try 2 spend the rest of the night on the net, but find that my sister is using the computer downloading MP3's, taking up space and memory on the pc resulting in often and frequent computer, i am DEFINATELY no in a good mood at all........
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / A Bed With No Right Sides....... (06.08.02)