The Art of the Mind
It has been brought to my attention many a atime that this world is quite a sad place to be in...maybe not so much as emotionally sad (God knows it truly can be at times)....but sad as in, it's shameful....especially in the Not-So-United States of America....Is ay this because at the momet i can hear my sister practicing on the piano...its not Mozart, Bach, or its Kelly, as in R. Kelly...its is sad that considering the recent sex scandal where he has been involved with little girls (as young as 14 years old), and the 15yr sentence he has recieved, whoever her music instructor is has still assigned her the music to that song where he's an American Flag weilding boxer...very sad indeed...and while on the topic...I've also noticed the abundance in air time he has recieved on 4 major radio stations in New York, Z100, Hot97, WBLS, and Power105...::sigh::...You can bone little kids, video tape it, get legally proven guilty, and STILL, you find support from other major media enitities.....oh so sad indeed.....
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / The World's Greatest?....... (06.07.02)