The Art of the Mind
So...nearly 2 days later...the truth is revealed...In all actuality...Priscilla's really not a lesbian :-D ...such releif...Tiff was playing a rather cruel joke on me...She never really talked to Priscilla, so she made the whole thing up...I told her i'll get her back...believe me...i will...I always do {evil laughter}...

In a related has come to my attention that Priscilla is aware of my comes the burden of does one ease into the topic of relationships and feelings with the object of his affection?...What if I face total rejection...the old "I think we'd b better as friends" story?...I mean, i'm not the most handsome guy in the world...but I know that I'm handsome me paranoid...but i think its within reason...I used to be the fat kid in class....the pudge-ball...I was the kid they always picked last in gym but first in eating when it comes down to matters of teh heart...i still tend find it a little less than likely that some girl is actually interested in me...or feels how i feel for them...again, paranoia? it within reason?....i think so....

So now, that's my I go ahead, balls to the wall, and tell her how I feel on my own?...or play like I didn't know Tiff told her and find out from Tiff later?...Rejection isn't fun...and the threat of rejection is no better...::sigh::...i don't know...Leavin for Georgia in what's the point?...All I that in a feww more life is only beginning.....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / False Truths...... (05.26.02)