The Art of the Mind
Well...for those of you who have read my last post, contrary to popular belief, it really is not about a girl...the whole poem is about's yearning for that which is defined as life's absense...No i'm not suicidal, it would appear so by that piece alone...i just felt like writing something and that's what came to someone telling me what to write...

Non sequitor, my ex IMed me 2day...that was kind of odd..considering we last talked about 6months ago...we chatted for a little bit....and I must say, as deep as my feelings were for her, there was one portion of this convesation which i found rather interesting...she said that everything was still the same since we last talked...except that now, she's beginning learn who her real friends are...i found that kind of ironic considering she dropped me after nearly a year for sum quick fling upstate, only 2 break up with him...most likely cuz of the fact that she lives 20min from me and 9 states from him...Now tell me that is not rather deserving...wut really creams the biscuit is that, she told me one thing...which was TOTALLY different from what had actually happened, i hate being lied to like that....fitting...very fitting...

It is moments like these which cause me 2 strive for a Hall of Shame...out of all the creatures of this planet...i must say that human beings must be the most anomolous animals i have ever hte is my birthday (March 6)...i added this last to give a feel of what it felt like...absolutely nothing special...this anecdote has no paragraph to call its own...just as my b-day was not set aside especially...they all 4got...except a handful..hell, i even sense making a big deal of that no1 else makes a big this what it's like 2 feel depressed?......

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / B-Day Blues (03.07.02)