The Art of the Mind
It's been a while since I've last written in here....A lot has gone on in the last 5 months....My cousin died....Classes and assignments almost got the best of me...and I can't forget the rest....But this entry here is about one thing in particular....It's about meeting your past....

This was more recent, if not the most recent of events to come across....Last week, I was left a message...I message that I only expeccted because I had a hunch that one was coming...I always get a hunch when one is aobut to come....And this time was no different...Matter of fact, this message was no different thatn the rest either..."I miss you"..."I'm sorry"...."I Love you"....

I've learned that there are things in this world that no matter how hard you try and overlook and that you try and understand....Regardless of those kinds of efforts...You might forgive, but you can never really forget...The crippled might forgive who or whatever caused them to be as they are, but they can never forget, not in a long shot....
....Heartbreak is the same way

This week I plan on meeting my past once more, after 2 years....A past that I was so wraped up in that I only saw the Present for that time...Time stood still when I was with her...Time seemed to stutter just so that we can relive each count of love for eachother...Time felt funnt like that...Our love was true like that....Maybe that's why it hurt so much because her Infidelity was sure like that, too....

An engaged woman...About to marry the same man she left me for...Engaged since the moment that she left me...She misses my thoughts, my words, and she misses my soul...She wants to remain friends, she says....
....And reminds me that still Loves me

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Return to Innocence Lost (05.10.05)