The Art of the Mind
And today, folks...Tha name of the game is "Wishful Thinking"....

Yes, that ever-so-familiar game where we fool ourselves into believeing that we are going to win and that things will fall into our favor....

Why do we play?...Well, because we can, because we want to, because we need to...We need to beleive that things will work for us...We need to believe that we have some sort of control and some sort of purpose to our actions, and vicariously, some sort of purpose to ourselves...

Nobody wants to feel like they are a waste...

Otherwise we'd be bored...Be'd become defeatists and tear down any thought, wish, hope, or dream that crosses our mind....Sometimes its all well and good that we don't give up so easy....But other times....

Other times we should simply just know better....No, we should simply just act better, because deep down in our hearts, we do know better...

I think we somehow figure that if we are able to imagine what "it" would be like, then we can actually make reality of what "it"....Whatever it may be...

We go out for that next job interview, that next mile with a gas tank on "E", that next serious/long-term relationship....And perhaps there will be times that we do come out on top....But then there are other times where we don't....What then?...

Do we learn?...Do we make note of the mistakes and the common factors?....DO we change our approach and accept the outcomes?.....

No...we don't....we can't....we can't afford to....

Or else we'll have admitted failure...Because, apparently, changing one's ways is failure of the older self....

So we just forget, and chalk it up to a mishap, a fluke, an anomoly...We erase it from our memories and continue on....

...In this wishful game of Thinking

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Still Playing Around.... (10.15.04)