The Art of the Mind
Been a long 2weeks...and I"m sure its still nowhere near the end...

I'm still keeping busy, rather, everything else is keeping me busy....I'm hardly in my room, except to hit the bed at around 3am everyday...The laptop's been acting up and shutting down at random...Taking these 2 physics classes is cool, however, helping folks in both is hectic...

I've been lacking on sleep incredibly, and only been tryin to make it up during the day...The routine now is just: Classes, Sleep, Eat Sleep, and repeat....Its the kind of tired where your whole body tingles just a slight bit...

I did pick up a gym membership last night...Gonna start lifting this friday...That shall be my time...And I wanna hit this flick tonight...City of God...Looks like a movie I'd definately be adding to my collection...

Come this weekend, I swear, no one better try call me up on some homework help or anything like that...This weekend Chris is on strike...Valentine's Day this weekend, and I got no Valentine, 19yrs and counting...Its all good though, Ya boy's gotta catch up on some rest anyway...Its that kind of "tired" where you have those weird extra-surreal type dreams...the ones that leave your head twisted for the rest of the day...Yeah, that kinda "tired"...Gonna get me one of those 3day naps....

By any means neccessary...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Slumber?...Slumber, who? (02.11.04)