The Art of the Mind
And as he closed his eyes to rest...Once more, he was found to never have slept at all...For the past few days, without reason, he's been sleepless...Only very very very few hours he's aquired...

But why?

Who knows?...Perhaps only God does...But that doesn't change the fact that he can't sleep...He'll start to nod off at around 5am and get up by 9...That's usually how it goes...Something that should not be a "usually" kind of thing...

Ol' dude sleeps better at school...when he's not on vacation...he smiles to himself...

Usually people find it difficult to sleep in strange places...

But this is where he rested for years past...this is where he retired for solitude...This is where he retreated in defeat...This is where his definition of "Home" lay...He smiles once more...

...define home

He thinks about it...It's where the heart is...His demeanor changed; this may not be where his heart is anymore...But then where is it?...Who knows...Perhaps only God knows...But that's not much help right now...


Yeah, its not here...its not college...its not someone...its not something...Right now its nothing...Yeah, Home is where the heart is...

Sweet dreams...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Dream House (12.23.03)