The Art of the Mind
Its been a while since I've written here...But that's because its been a while since I've had any kind of spare time...

I leave for NY next week...Back to the cold, back to the ice, back the frigid air...But most of all, back to Home...

I've been doing a LOT of tutoring down here...a LOT of physics tutoring...I truly do need to start charging...I'm probably gonna start next semester...Fund are running low, my loan is just about run out, therefore I haven't a clue as to how I'ma pay for next semester...Only real option right now is to extend the loan...Not the most desirable option...If I can be a TA for my physics professor, it'd be great to take my pay off of tuition...

Been lookin for a little hustle to help pay too...been sellin CDs, savin up for a DVD burner...pretty soon I can bootleg DVDs...Yeah, sounds small, but that can be an easy $200-$300 a week...I wanna grab some peeps together and make a "Moving Group"...Charge people to move their furniture and stuff out their dorms/apartments at the end of the year...

Beyond that, I haven't written a piece in a while...However, I am on a mission to mark every bathroom on this campus with my writing...Probably not any pieces I've got in my book, but 1-2 liners on bathroom stalls, above urinals, etc...A few people have noticed it already and they diggin it...No one knows its me except my boy Sean...

I suppose there's nothing left to put up right now...I'll probably update later this week, hopefully...

Forget bombs, I drop words...My weapons are of Mass Construction
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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Do The Hustle... (12.04.03)