The Art of the Mind
It's funny how things come to mind when you're not thinking...or at least think you're not thinking...

It's funny how we feel uncomfortable around perfection...How we second guess things with "Too good to be true" or "I could only wish"...Especially when it comes to people more so than events and occurances...

In a way, it's like saying that the more perfect we are, the more like God we become in our own little world...And as much as that would sound great to be perfect...The whole aspect of good is bad, and bad is good, is introduced...

The prospect of becoming flawless scares us...Because when we're supposed to be flawless, there is so much more at stake when we do slip up....

And when man slips up, it's not so much of a problem and we eventually get over it or at least live with it....But when God slips up....

Well, quite simply, it's the end of the world....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / When We Were Gods..... (10.24.03)