The Art of the Mind
I'm on fall break...

Here I sit on vacation for 2 days from classes, at my cousin's house in Atlanta...It's been cool thus far...Went to this chinese buffet spot yesterday after church with just my cousins...and I think thats the first time I've down something like that in a LONG time....

I mean, at first it was kind of cool to be chillin with family, but then I got bored for only a few seconds and looked at it in a different light...The only tie that we have, sort of, is that we share a same past 2 generations back...

We all have different mother's and fathers...but share a same set of grandparents...

Throughout the night, we were talking, laughing, joking...And it was cool...It was like we had our own little secret called "family" and it was ours and ours alone...We compared eachother to other cousins...And as simple as it sounded, only we, for obvious reasons, would know who they were...Like they were celebrities...But our celebrities...Famous, not for what movie they made or for a noble prize or, they were famous because they were related...

And to think that only a year ago, I have only heard about these people...And now, we are all close friends...We care for each other with no reason more than blood....We trust each other with no reason more than blood...We love each other with no more reason than blood...

We all have our own lives, true, just like anyone else...But it's hard to shake that feeling as if we're the only one's in the world as when we're chilling together...Our own world...

These days here have been a light bit more than a vacation from classes...Yeah, this trip to our own world was a vacation from everyone else's....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Fall Break... (10.13.03)