The Art of the Mind
And in a world where people are brought closer together with things like the internet and telephone...A world where a single business meeting is conducted across the span of the globe...A world where medical operations are performed via satelite... is then so interesting that we can yet and still be alone

A man by the name of John Donne once said:

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...

I beg to differ...

Every man, woman, and child is an island...No amount of support groups, teen hotlines, or club meetings can ever change that...We each chose, and will continue to choose, our individual paths, and in turn, our own individual fate...

No matter how hard you or another may try or hope to try...When it all adds up, your life is ultimately up to you...never shared...consequences and all...

I think we tend to group and categorize ourselves in an attempt to make some kind of blanket rationalization to prove that we're not different and that "others are doing it"...We all, as humans, just want to be a part something...whatever that "something" may be...

Fact of the matter is...We are all islands...small nations unto ourselves...and in that respect, alons just the same....

...whether we like it or not

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Population: 1 (07.28.03)