The Art of the Mind
Guess who got a 2nd job?...

So I'm finally doin that overnight stock position I wanted for the summer...Started this past Monday night at BJ's from 11pm-7am...This is a gift/curse 'cause on the one hand, all I gotta do is leave from there straight to the high school and put in my hours there....Yet on the other hand, I don't get off till about noon or a little later....Can you guess who's tryin real hard to find sleep?....I'll tell you what though...The fatigue helps me write...I'm so tired, that ANY rest (i.e., sitting down, leaning on a wall, etc.) is relaxing...And when I'm relaxed I think/write more freely...

For the most part though, the combined checks aren't too bad...And I figure I'll be able to fully adjust by next Monday...Most folks ask why I'm killin myself...Simply put: College steals money...I'm lookin for scholarships on top of that....And FAFSA don't give me much...And of course I'd like some pocket money 4 myself...

Haven't had a night off since I started...Sunday's gonna be my first...Can he make it?...Can he last till Sunday?...Can he find the strangth and energy to survive till after church?...

The answers to these questions and more...Same Diaryland time...Same Diaryland channel....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / 'Cause 2 Are Better Than 1.... (07.03.03)