The Art of the Mind
Having nothing to do leaves your mind ample opportunity to stray into random, and yet in depth, thought...Soon after I turned off the TV last night, void of any interesting shows, I popped in my Zero 7 CD and just laid there staring at the ceiling...In doing so, I found myself down the thought path of my own future...Everything from the next 4 (or maybe more) years in Detroit to after my own mortality...But what it appears that I gained most out of my "Me Time" was that, at least at this point, I want to live in the middle of nowhere when I get much older.....

I was imagining living out here in Statesboro for the rest of my life, and realized that in order to do so, I'd have to hold not a care in teh world...All I would need is my wife, and I'd be happy...Nowhere to go, no deadlines to meet, all I gotta do is live and enjoy each day as it passes...

It seems that living in a city, you're caught up in all the hustle abd bustle...IT seems that something is coming your way and you can't let your guard down or else you'll miss it...So you gotta keep moving, you gotta keep busy...With all the haste comes randomness, with all the randomness comes possibilities, and that becomes possibility of more to gain...Tourists come to the city to see things, to keep their mind stimulated, to get a "high" of the urban setting and what it has to offer...It becomes like a drug addiction...

But in the country...It's calm and serene...Because everybody's content with what's there...They don't yearn for anything else because what they have is just enough, if not more...Some say that it'd be boring...But boredom is lack of content and satisfaction...Boredom is sometimes the acknowledgement of anxiety; we get so used to the "neccessity" of getting things done, that when all has been done, we go through "Work Withdrawal"...

I want to be able to get the point where I'm content with everything...To the point where I wake up and, instead of thinking about the tasks of the day, I realize that I'm alive and indulge myself into every moment of it....I want to be able to sit on my front porch in my rocking chair, and just sit there all day, and not a moment will have been wasted...I want to be able to wake up whenever I wish, to go to sleep whenever I wish, and do anything I wish...Because everything will have been taken care, house, utilities....everything will have been taken care of....I wanna be able to sometimes pretend that my whole world only exists as far as my eye can see up and down the road, and that me and my lady were its only inhabitants....I wanna be able to take as much time as I want to visit the world that's beyond the reaches of that road...I wanna be able to work for a hobby instead of a living....I want to be able to enjoy life guided by my desires instead of my needs, and come out better off than I started...

That's what I want...

That's what I'm striving for when all the little ones grow up...That's the point where I'm trying to reach....

The point where I stop living a life...And start living my life....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / I'm For Rural... (04.07.03)