The Art of the Mind
There's a common saying that says that there is a "thin line between love and hate"...There are those who feel that by concentrating on one's personal and geneological past, they are in some way erasing others'....that they are claiming supremecy...Unfortunately, the mind-set does happen sometimes and people do subscribe to the thought that their people are better than an other...For the most part however, concentration on one's past, on the works of their ancestors, on one's people, is not resentment for other, but rather love of his own...

Think of the mother who carries 10 different pictures of her son in her purse...She goes to every PTA meeting, and never leaves without telling what's new in his life...She finds some way to mention her child to the neighbor in the elevator, the receptionist at the doctor's office, and even the man at the deli...Does she feel her son is any better than everyone else's?...Does she claim her child superior and in demand of awe?...No...She is just proud of him...She loves him, and can't help but to boast about that which is hers....

It's the pride for one, not the despising for the others...Don't write off the love someone has for their heritage and where they come from...They're just proud of it...They're overwhelmed...They're just boasting...Many would adore that mother talking about her son...They would admire that love and caring that she has to tell everyone about him...Even so much that they would desire it themselves....So why then not for one promulgating their heart-strong love for their own roots?....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Thin Line Between Love and Hate.... (03.10.03)