The Art of the Mind
(Third entry for the day) MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!I wish I can type faster because right now I have no IDEA where to begin....I'm sorry but Dave Chapelle has truly truly truly comitted an atrocity beyond my belief....Well, now that I think about it...I don't know what it should actually be considered...Contraversial, yes....But i don't know other than that...

On one have the "Bamboozled Factor" where his skit was a mockery/parody of the White Supremecy movement...But I guess I should first start at the beginning...the skit....

You see, the basic premise of the piece was a blind black man convinced that he was white and brought up to hate blacks....So much so, that he became one of the most famous White Supremecy Leaders, but no one ever knew he was black except his wife (a black woman) and his friend (a white man).....

Now, throughout the skit...Slurs such as "Nigger," "Coon," "Jungle Bunnies," and so many others were thrown left and right...both by blacks and white....And the thing that got me most heated was the laughter in the background from the audience....I mean, they were actually laughing because they thought it was a funny joke....

I took special vexation with it when the blind guy (played by Chapelle, by the way) heard some white guys playing black music, thinking they were black...He called them "Niggers" and "Jungle Bunnies"...The white guys looked at each other and one said something like, "Did he just call us niggers?.....COOL!!!"...And again came the heavy laughter....

I'm sorry, but people were killed, raped, and physically vandalized being called such names....And this guy here brings it out and adds a laugh track to it?....If your gonna make a point...Then make it....Make sure it's known....Spike Lee did it, and exposed what was going on in the media today and this is exactly what he was talking about...Either idealizing or poking fun at the situation at hand...I'm sorry, but there isn't much humor there to warrant "poking fun"....I mean, honestly folks

Then you have the parts, such as the end, where they say "This was brought to you by the Trent Lott Foundation"...Now that for sure was a satirical approach....And I, personally, do not mind that....I cannot remember much of what else that was blatantly sarcastic....But it was still few......

What else gets me is that, well, this episode had to get past higher executives in order to make the airwaves....To them, I'm pretty sure this was just "good entertainment"....that this was what the people want...And that it is "damn well funny"...Well,'s not...

If you missed it....It was on Comedy Central...I'm sure they're gonna repeat it...Maybe later tonight....Watch it, see for yourself, make your decision....I'm gonna wait for the next episode, see where else he takes this...THEN I'll probably make my final decision....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Bamboozled Central.... (01.22.03)