The Art of the Mind
Scene opens...He cannot help but to feel an un-nerving sense of placid Maxwell plays in the background, but the exact song isn't recognized....the scent of eerie happiness permeates through the air...Time passes, but the song doesn't end...In that time, she plays through his mind for just as long as the tune...forever.....

It's night now, and the growing anxiety he feels grows with each and every thought of her that passes through his head...this is her favorite time of day...It's elegant, it's romantic, it's magic....Then all of a sudden...the scene changes...He's now about to meet her, to greet her...He comes over for a surprise visit...By now, that Maxwell gets stronger, and he can hear that the song is "Submerge"....and just as it reaches the climax of the tune...He opens the door and there she is, with another man...He's shocked, to say the least...He doesn't know whether he's coming or going anymore...Everything's moving way to slow to tell...

In that split second, an eternity's worth of unbearable hurt just filled his heart...and it was too much....It was so full of love, that when she filled it with all that pain, too....It couldn't hold anymore....and it broke....And when it broke...He heard it...He heard it louder than her surprise when he walked though the door...He heard it louder than that Maxwell still playing in the background....He heard it louder than anything else around him....That's ALL he heard....His heart breaking....And when it did...he woke up....He woke up with a broken heart....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / NOT so sweet dreams..... (11.16.02)