The Art of the Mind
Well then....this shall be my last entry for about a week....I'm leavin tomorrow to Georgia for my orientation on Monday and the meantime, I'll b with my cousin, Opal, et al....

As far as today goes, I had 3 appointments for my new job at Vector, where i sell cutlery....made one sale out of the 3....not bad considering wut the rest of my week has been :- ....

Afterward, I came home to the task of packing my bags (which I have yet complete at all....shortly after, I recieve a call from Kika saying that we may not be able to go out to a movie as we had planned since she has 2 pack for her trip as well....But instead, we could spend about a half-hour and hang....Well, that said, I quickly gathered my clothes i was taking with me and tossed them in the washer, freshened up, and went on my way to meet my beloved....

We went to 7-11 for a slurpy, it was a VERY hot day (its past midnite and the thermometer reads "88" for the outdoor temp)...from there we went to this open field she had found one day....and with the firworks flying, the warm summer breeze, and the emblazoned sky birthed by the sun's setting, this night was quite majestic in itself....we talked for a bit, and kissed for what seemed to be minutes, but actually hours....I could not think of a better way to spend this Independance Evening....there's nothing really better than a long kiss goodnight......

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Long Kiss Goodnight......... (07.05.02)