The Art of the Mind
I have this theory....

When people get really really close to each other (not physically speaking), they kind of "sense" each other...kinda like a sixth sense....

Husbands and wives have it...twins have it...children and parents have it....but what about you and yourself?

No person knows you better than you one knows your deepest inner thoughts, your subliminal tendencies, and etcetera....So then would it be so far fetched to say that the Present-Day you has that same kind of "6th sense" with the Future-You?....

Haven't we all had that gut feeling about something and, depending on the gravity of the following events, had those feelings confirmed to the same degree?...Maybe that's the connection we have with ourselves that transcends even the dimension of time itself....

Personally, as foolish as it sounds, i tested it out...went a while and kinda consciously, to the best of my ability, to act according to my hut feelings...Whether it be changing my normal route home or picking up a pencil that would normally evade my sight....And sure enough, I ended up bypassing traffic accidents...and I ended up using that pencil for a pencil-only quiz in the class i only carry pens too....

Try it out...It's kinda weird, but you know days have been many the more efficient...

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Tomorrow - Yesterday = Today (10.06.03)