The Art of the Mind
Personal thought/motto/rule/law/whatever:

In a world of ever changing ideas, and ever changing realities, information, and logic....We as people have lost touch with what is and replaced it with what might/should....

Specifically, we have reached the point in our cognitive prowess that we begin to question whether this thing called "Entropy" really exists....and in doing so, we begin to suggest that there is no randomness, there is no coincidence, there is no just-by-chance.....But until we have fully acheived the right proof for such an assertion, we have only subordinated ourselves to the theories of Pascal and Fermat, believeing that we can at least predict what is or will be happening before it happens....It is by such common subscription to this school of thought that we have become accustomed to saying, "One in a million chances that..." or "The odds are..." or anything of that nature....

But then, here is my assertion...Within all those numbers, all those calculations, all those high-end dealings with numerals of vast proportions....Does it not just boil down to "Yes" and "No"?....I mean, if you think about it...At teh end of the day, is it not just a matter of something happening or not?....Just those two choices....You can have a 1-to-1,000,000 chance and spent all your day figuring that out...But after all that, it's still 50-50...1 outta 2...Happened or Not....

I don't remember where I was going with this, but I do know that this here just makes everything a little bit better if you think about it....Odds aren't really stacked against you, cuz wutever it is will eitehr happen or not....And by the same token, you might wanna be careful in your confidence that you have reached your "Invincibility Level", cuz just as something might not work for you by the numbers, something just might happen to you as well....It's still 50-50.....

And after you read this, will you take this to heart?...Will you remember all this and look at things just a little but different?

Chances are...Either you will....Or you won't...

Pretty slim odds, huh?

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Just Give it a Chance.... (11.25.02)