The Art of the Mind
(Lost count...don't know what number this is for the day)

You what really scares me?...And I'm reminded(ironically), constantly, of how much it freaks me out...It's my memory....Just now, I was trying to remember something, and I successfully remembered teh event, but not a the right time of day....I know it wasnt' the right time of day because I seem to remember myself doing this at multiple times of the day...and they all felt right...

Today I have learned that along with losing memories...I also fabricate them or, rather, fabricate happenings around the ones I can just barely recollect....I mean, it kinda sounds trivial now that I look at it....But when it does happen, its saddening...'Cause now, I can't seem to trust whether something i think remember is true or not...

I guess that's kinda why I write in this here diary, not so much for the "Cool Environment" or anything like that...But so I'd have "memory" one way or another....

This is my Life...This is my Mind...

This is my Memory....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Life...Mind...and Memory.... (11.23.02)