The Art of the Mind
Riddle me this...Is it within our nature that we suffer strife?...I'm not talking about a sudden case of illness or a storm rips our homes apart...not natural things....No, i'm talking about the things that we can help...Is it our intrinsic drive that forces us to put ourselves in situations where there is a shadow of threat lingering around?...Do we, somewhere within ourselves, find comfort in the subtle concept of conflict?....

To many times have we used the phrase "To good to be true"...How many times has someone asked you "Why are you so nice to me?"...When we're out in public, why must we find it odd that a complete stranger is kind to us?...From what I understand, we all want ease...we all desire happiness...So when it comes our way, why do we shun it?...Why do we look skeptically upon those things which we truly enjoy, expectant of some sort of deletarious price to be placed upon our tab?...Why is it so hard for us to recieve something of good measure and just leave it as that--something of good measure?...Instead, we begin to 2nd guess it, leaving it sordid with doubt and placing an unneccessary belief of deception or fantasy around it?...

I understand that there are things out there that have brought us to such a mind state....I understand that NOT everything is truly good....Not everything that glitters is Gold, but that doesn't mean that Gold isn't still a precious metal of reality--it still exists....In the type of world we live in today, we should hold on for dear life to those things which are genuinely pure...

And if it isn't, clean it off...cuz diamonds are found in cruddiest coal mines and pearls are found in the ugliest oysters....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Fantastic Without Fantasy.... (11.22.02)