The Art of the Mind
And so once again, I cannot sleep....i have been smitten by a fit of insomnia once more, last night I could hardly sleep, finally did REAL late....and now, I went off for about 1.0-1.5hrs, and am wide awake...I can't describe it, but I just either don't feel right sleeping, or I am just not able to my body knows that I shuold be doing something else, but I have NO clue whatsoever....

So now I say, "Sigh" and, dare I say it, "Sigh once more"....As I sit here awaiting the SandMan's hand full of that special dust to pass my way, sending me off to that Land of Slumber only a pillow and a few sheep away....At the moment I'm typing this entry (obviously), listening to some music, and talking to some girl from Oregon named Elaine on ICQ (real cool girl)....I wish I were in a city...I'd be out looking for a PoolHall or something right now...Something just to kill time....That's why I'm looking forward to transfering to new school Fall2003...either Wayne State University (in Detroit) or Temple University (in Philly)....

Well....that's all the words I have interest in mustering up at the moment....hopefully I'll have something interesting/clever to say later and update with.....Until then...ummmm....yeah, couldn't think of anything smart....Later, then, I guess.....

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Ripp Van Winkle's Alter Ego..... (11.22.02)