The Art of the Mind
I'm am sorry, but as much as I think the colors red, white, and blue are pretty...I refuse to dawn them at the same time to put on an extemporaneous show of patriotism in falsehood...

Sure the country is better off than others, but then I tend to ask myself what exactly defines "better off"...Sure there are places without the internet, electricity, running water to every home....But yet, they have survived the years have they not?....They are content, right?...They go to the market, make a living, and go home....No corporate deciet, no workforce dramas, no computer-virus worries....Just simple living...One might say "But they are so unfortunate"...Please...don't confuse fortunate with being spoiled...It's a sad mistake many of us make everyday....

Then comes "Well, look what this country has done for you...If you don't like it then get out"...Easier said than done my friend...You see, since our youth, we've been taught how the US is such a great place, and it loves you, and everyone lives in happiness and harmony...But unfortunatley, we're not told what the US looks like when we change channels from PBS.�Immediately, people become stereotypes, racial profiles, but they call it probable cause�.Through the media, we�re told that all blacks are either from the ghetto or gang-bangers, all Italians are from the mafia�Orientals know martial arts�.and Mid-Easterners all own 7-11�s�And whites are the fortunate ones who only need to worry about their big date of the week and a bad hair day�.Seriously, this stuff really needs to stop�I refuse to represent a country that teach�s it�s youth half its history from a white person�s point of view�.There are only paragraphs on the Japanese-American Internment, about how almost all of this nation was built upon the blood, sweat, and tears of Afrikan and Native-American slaves�.We�re taught that even �Honest� Abe was a friend to Afrikans, yet he is quoted saying, �I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.� �.I absolutely refuse, with great passion, to promote and represent a nation that with such a record such as this�.What the nation has done for me is blinded me to believe that I, as an individual, can do whatever it is that another can do�no, wait, correction�I CAN do what I want to do but, unfortunately many times I MAY not�.as children, we�re not told of the predominant discrimination anywhere, the underlying infidelities�.

True it is a good message that we are taught, and yes, we should strive towards equality, but as long as there are those who feel otherwise, they shall TEACH their children otherwise, and force us to face a despicable reality�

There is truly SO much more I want to say, but then I guess I�d be here all day�.If you have any comments�I encourage you to sign my guestbook or email me�.

The only way I can think to end this is to say, that as people, we make our own decisions, therefore making us our won Kings and Queens�.Throughout history, royalty never consumed anything without first making sure it wasn�t laced with poison�.So why should you?�..

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Oh, God....PLEASE bless America.... (09.10.02)