The Art of the Mind
Well my friends....I have no hair whatsoever upon my head at the moment....I made the decision a few months ago that when i get here (Georgia Southern Univ.) that I'll shave my head bald....Well that moment was about 2AM this morning....While watching TV, I experienced the sudden phenomenon of feeling Gung-Ho and just somewhat adventurous....Kika thinks I wouldn't do it....But I guess I proved her wrong (heheheheh)....Well, anyway, I took my electric shaver, and lowered the hair that was already upon my head (as not to create extra work when I used the regular straight-edge razor)...took a trip to the bathroom (theres 2 on every floor).....lathered my head with shaving cream...and commenced the ceremony.....

So all I have left now is my sideburns, fashioned like an upside-down division sign (the thing thats shaped like an "L" turned 90 degrees), kinda like Ludacris or someone from a '70s Blaxploitation film (sounds dirty, but it's not).....

Anyway, it's gonna take a little gettin used to....all I gotta do now is get a camera, take a few pictures, and either electronically or physically mail them out.....

Well....catch ya'll later....

Oh, and I found a church today (Yea!!!) so someone's supposed to be pickin me up tomorrow....and while we're on the topic....I was doin a little scripture readin the other day that turned into a self-contained ministry that I had to write down...Who knows, when I become a preacher, I'll probably use it for my first sermon, or for a special service....God works in mysterious ways.....

Yeah...OK.....i'm really going now....Sign my guessbook, email me, send me a text message....please, I'm in the middle of nowhere, the town get's all its revenue from the school, and the hangout spot is WALMART!!!!...Please, let me know you're there, that's all I ask....

Thank you ;-)

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Christopher / Entries / Feedback / Mr. Clean (08.24.02)